A Brief History of Dowsing with Elysium House Healing

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Adult Calendar

Program Description

Event Details

In this fascinating program, Mr. Kirby will start by defining what dowsing is and, sometimes more importantly, what it is not. Then, we will compare dowsing to divination and ask whether they are the same. We will discuss the misconception: is it water witching or works of evil?

Mr. Kirby will share highlights of over 8,000 years of dowsing history, from its earliest beginnings in cave drawings to its more modern-day references in mining and the military. He will also cover some books and publications in which dowsing has been described or alluded to since antiquity, plus some thoughts on some contemporary ones.

In closing, he will look at some present-day applications of dowsing that dowsers use to help them locate things. This should be a very interesting topic and Mr. Kirby will answer questions at the end of the program.  This event is free to attend.